As health costs rise, consumers struggle to access health care coverage, services, and treatment. In fact, because costs
are rising faster than wages, a dangerous gap continues to widen between health care needs and what can reasonably be afforded. Lately, many have focused on a subset of increasing health costs for the most frequently accessed potion of health care – prescription drugs. As policy makers look for solutions to address rising costs for treatment, we believe it is important to offer new policies and incentives that are firmly rooted in patient- and market-oriented solutions to promote — not unintentionally inhibit – competition, value, innovation, and appropriate access to treatment.
For nearly two decades, the Council for Affordable Health Coverage has been laser focused on making health care more affordable for all Americans. This year, we are proposing a set of positive, common sense policy solutions to address the issues around prescription drug access and affordability.
Despite spirited debate from all areas of industry and among policy makers, we have yet to see a consensus-based effort that engages a full range of health care stakeholders who are concerned about rising drug costs and overall health care spending. The Council for Affordable Health Coverage brings together insurers, benefit managers, drug manufacturers, consumers, patients, employers, health technology organizations, and health care providers to advance reforms that lower costs for prescription drugs. We hope to impact the debate by educating and raising awareness about drug costs and value and by developing and advocating for a set of credible, actionable policy solutions designed to lower costs, improve patient access, and increase value in health care.
Through collaboration, we can build broad support for common sense solutions grounded in the principles of competitiveness and economic efficiency, leading to improved patient care and savings for the entire health care system.
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