July 25, 2018 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Materials From This Briefing:
Washington, DC: The Council for Affordable Health Coverage (CAHC) – a coalition of employers, insurers, life science companies, PBMs, brokers, agents, patient groups, and physician organizations – will hold a Congressional briefing on Wednesday, July 25th at Noon in room 200 of the House Visitors Center (HVC) entitled, “The State of 1332 Waivers: How Washington Can Help Spur State-Led Innovation in Health Reform.”
With health insurance premiums under the Affordable Care Act continuing to rise, an increasing number of states may take matters into their own hands – following the lead of Wisconsin, Oregon, Minnesota, Alaska and others by requesting a federal waiver under Section 1332 of the ACA.
CAHC staff consulted for the state of Wisconsin on its 1332 waiver application, now pending administration approval, and have outlined proposals to help aid states seeking to find innovative ways to contain rising premiums and care for the unique needs of their population.
Join CAHC and its panel of expert guests, including speakers from the Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, the Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, for a conversation on how Congress and the administration can better support state-led innovation in health insurance reform. Lunch will be served. Please submit your RSVP here.
When: Wednesday, July 25th at Noon
Where: U.S. Capitol Campus, House Visitors Center (HVC), Room 200
Media: Open to all credentialed press
RSVP: [email protected]
This is a widely attended event and complies with all ethics rules.