January 19, 2018 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Resources from This Briefing:
Slide presentation from the Council for Affordable Health Coverage
Slide presentation from Blue Shield of California
Slide presentation from eHealth
The Council for Affordable Health Coverage (CAHC) – a coalition of employers, insurers, life science companies, PBMs, brokers, agents, patient groups, and physician organizations – will hold a Congressional briefing on Friday, January 19th at 10 AM in SVC 212-10 entitled “Solutions for Stabilization: Policies to Lower Healthcare Costs and Strengthen Insurance Markets for Consumers.”
The briefing comes at a time when health insurance markets under the Affordable Care Act are in peril across the country. Premiums and cost-sharing are rising at double-digit rates, with the average Silver Level plan deductible soaring to $4,034 this year. Meanwhile, more insurers have left the market since the ACA’s enactment than have joined, lowering competition and choices for consumers. Today, one-quarter of consumers have a “choice” of just one plan.
CAHC’s briefing will examine actionable solutions Congress should take immediately to stabilize markets and lower premiums in 2019. CAHC will also discuss new research on the impact of the Alexander-Murray and Collins-Nelson proposals on premiums and budget costs.
What: CAHC Congressional briefing: “Solutions for Stabilization: Policies to Lower Healthcare Costs and Strengthen Insurance Markets for Consumers”
When: Friday, January 19th, 10 AM ET
Where: Senate Visitor Center (SVC) 212-10
Media: Open to all credentialed press (no videography allowed per SVC rules)
RSVP: [email protected]
Joel White, Council for Affordable Health Coverage (moderator)
Andy Chasin, Policy Director, Blue Shield of California
John Desser, Senior VP for Government Affairs and Public Policy, eHealth
Jeff Lemieux, Chief Economist, Council for Affordable Health Coverage
Brian Webb, Assistant Director, Health Policy and Legislation, National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Katie Vliestra, VP, Government Relations and Public Affairs, National Association for the Self Employed
Refreshments will be served. This is a widely attended event and complies with all ethics rules.