CAHC’s testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce, Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions on employer-sponsored health coverage was featured in The Galen Institute’s newsletter:
“Our friend Joel White of the Council for Affordable Health Coverage explained in his testimony how Congress can make private health coverage more affordable for employers and their workers.
“Employers are the largest source of coverage in the US, representing more than half of all covered lives,” Joel testified. “Employees love their health benefits, and, according to our recent polling, want Congress to strengthen their health coverage.
“Unfortunately, policies adopted in the last decade, in addition to rising health costs, inflation, a tight labor market, regulatory red tape, and taxes, make it difficult if not impossible for businesses of all sizes to provide affordable coverage. Worse, some in Congress want to take away private employer insurance.”
He highlighted a slate of legislative initiatives to allow four million small business to join together for a better deal via Association Health Plans, expand access to telehealth, and protect self-funding options for employers.”