WASHINGTON, DC (July 12, 2018): The Council for Affordable Health Coverage (CAHC) – a coalition of employers, insurers, life science companies, PBMs, brokers, agents, patient groups, and physician organizations – celebrated the House Ways and Means Committee’s passage today and yesterday of 11 CAHC-backed measures to enhance health savings accounts (HSAs) and allow subsidy portability for consumers on Obamacare exchanges, effectuating a longtime goal of CAHC members.
“Twenty million Americans enjoy the peace of mind that an HSA provides, while more than three-fourths of those with an HSA plan report that it has helped them to manage their health care costs. Lawmakers should look for every avenue possible to strengthen these savings tools and bolster a bipartisan and well-working component of our healthcare system,” said CAHC President Joel White. “From lifting Obamacare’s nonsensical ban on HSA reimbursement for over-the-counter drugs, to providing up to $250 in first-dollar coverage flexibility within HSA-eligible plans, to increasing HSA contribution limits, we thank Ways and Means members for their work on these CAHC-supported measures to help HSAs serve more Americans more effectively.”
White continued, “CAHC also specifically celebrates the passage of H.R. 6311, the Increasing Access to Lower Premiums Act of 2018. This measure, a longtime CAHC legislative priority, would allow consumers trapped in flawed Obamacare exchanges to obtain qualified off-exchange coverage without forfeiting promised federal assistance. This will increase competition and lower taxpayer and consumer costs. Chairman Roskam (R-IL), Chairman Brady (R-TX) and members of the Committee are to be commended for their work on this rescue package for Americans struggling with rising premiums and deductibles. As the bill advances to the full House, we urge that a perfecting amendment be adopted to make premium tax credits for off-exchange plans fully advanceable, ensuring parity with the tax treatment of their on-exchange counterparts.”