Joel White is the President of the Council for Affordable Health Coverage.
Joel spent twelve years on Capitol Hill as professional staff, where he helped enact nine laws, including the 2002 Trade Act, which created health care tax credits, the 2003 law that established the Medicare prescription drug benefit and Health Savings Accounts, the 2005 Deficit Reduction Act, and the 2006 Tax Reform and Health Care Act, which reformed Medicare payment policies.
He served six years as staff on the Committee on Ways and Means, first as Professional Staff and then as Staff Director of the Health Subcommittee. Prior to his work on the Committee on Ways and Means staff, Joel worked for Congressman Jim Greenwood (PA) for two years and Congressman Chris Shays (CT) for four years.
He is also the co-author of the book, Facts and Figures on Government Finance (1992), which brings together data on public finance at all levels of government, with comparisons of taxing and spending levels spanning a half century. He holds a BS in Economics from the American University and is a member of the National Economist’s Club.