It’s harder than ever for consumers to navigate the healthcare marketplace.
- The Affordable Care Act requires consumers to buy health insurance or pay a fine. But its own health insurance exchanges don’t provide enough information for consumers to make informed choices. It’s nearly impossible to figure out whether a health plan covers a certain prescription drug or a particular doctor.
- Waste accounts for one-third of all healthcare spending. Eliminating that waste could save consumers more than $1 trillion.
- Medicare is holding hostage troves of data that could help us determine which procedures work best for different patients — and which don’t. Freeing that data could empower us to save trillions and improve care.
On April 9, 2015, CAHC launched “Clear Choices,” a new consumer-industry coalition dedicated to making health markets more transparent, accountable, and consumer-friendly.
- Joel White, Council for Affordable Health Coverage
- Andrew Scholnick, AARP
- Chris Riedl, Aetna
- Sally Greenberg, National Consumers League
- Steve Noyes, Novo Nordisk
- Heather Ashby, Ambulatory Surgery Center Association